Apocalypse Now
Photo by Jeremy Bishop, Courtesy of UpSplash
Just when you think the news can’t get worse, it does. To name a few recent developments: an economically and socially disruptive pandemic, an existential environmental crisis, the threat of a third World War, (and inconceivable until recently), talk of nuclear Armageddon.
Everyone wants to get back to “normal”, but the reality is that going back to the relative comfort of the late 20th century is no longer possible. And that, I believe, is what is driving our collective polarizing nervous breakdown.
The reality is that we are being confronted by uncomfortable truths about ourselves and our institutions; the veil has been lifted and mythmaking has been exposed. It is fitting that a lifting of the veil, an uncovering, is the Greek definition of Apocalypse.
We are being forced to abandon old ways of thinking, such as the belief that nature can be subjugated to our will, and that science and technology can solve everything. We are being forced to question our assumptions: that we are wonderful, fair-minded, and a kind society; that everyone is equal before the law, and we respect individual differences; that we stand by our allies in foreign lands, that nothing can beat our military; that our elite institutions admit students on merit, that priests are holy and never molest youngsters, that female Olympic gymnasts are treated with the same respect and caring as their male counterparts, that football players are glorious and don’t pay the price of damaged brains for that glory, and that our country’s leaders are dedicated to the public good, and are motivated by the values of honor, freedom, integrity, and comradery. (And this is a short list).
In addition, and importantly, we are discovering that dissecting everything into its separate individual component parts, so successful in the world of science, is actually not so helpful in our daily lives. The fact is that everything that exists is interrelated, and fixing one thing invariably affects something else, not always for the good.
This transition to a new way of life cannot be avoided. Change will be forced upon us if we remain unwilling to act. Whether the threat is nuclear or environmental, I doubt we would prefer to be thrust back to the Stone Age. Use this time to expand consciousness and recall what indigenous peoples know: honor the natural world that sustains us, remember the interrelationship of all that exists, including our relationships with one another, and act with love and a sense of the sacred.
Our individual contribution may not seem like much, but the rules of communal life are not much different from individual life. If an individual changes course, the outcome of their lives can change. If enough individuals change their minds, a tipping point can be reached. Communities can then have a positive influence on the outcome.
Simply put, there is a need for a vast change in consciousness so that we see ourselves as part of a whole and know the interrelationship of all things. If we don’t begin to comprehend that voluntarily, then that knowledge will be forced upon us through destruction.
There are leaders who seek to distract themselves and us from the real challenges we face through the promotion of division, violence and wars. Don’t get suckered.
As individuals, we do not rule the world. But we can do our bit and work for change. One piece of the puzzle is MediSounds vocal sound-based meditation. The practice of MediSounds connects us to a higher reality and reminds us of our place in Creation. It brings clarity, a sense of peace, and access to wisdom.
The power of MediSounds is essential in this difficult time. MediSounds does not offer information or solutions. Instead, it connects us to Universal Vibration, which in turn allows access to a loving wisdom that offers calm and clarity and leads to solutions.